Main » 2016 » June » 14 » Does Your Dog Have Kidney Stones?
2:53 PM
Does Your Dog Have Kidney Stones?

There are several reasons why dogs form kidney stones. The type of “nephro (kidney)” + -lith (stone)” is ultimately based on the specific cause. The type of kidney stone (nephrolith) also determines what type of treatment regimens might help. Most dogs with small kidney stones may not display any symptoms at all. In these cases, the kidney stones are often incidental findings during x-rays of the abdomen, most of which are taken for unrelated causes.

While many cases of kidney stones in dogs don’t seem to cause them as much pain as in people, many pet owners may take it for granted. Your veterinarian may keep a close eye on a kidney stone that allows normal flow of urine but generally leaves it untreated. However, there are instances when the stones continue to grow in size, or some of its parts break off and become lodged in the ureter, then it becomes a ureterolith; this can be very painful. The dog may suffer from abdominal pain, vomiting, and discomfort. If the blockage of the urethra persists, the kidney may become inflamed and become damaged. There is a higher risk of the dog becoming critically ill as a result of the disruption of urine flow. If your pet’s abdomen seems tender and painful, or he seems to have problems with urination, contact your vets Meridian, ID right away.

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