Main » 2015 » February » 24 » Do you think these practices are cruel for your pet?
12:46 PM
Do you think these practices are cruel for your pet?

Some owners frown at specific practices which they think are cruel to pet dogs. However, they fail to realize the rationale behind these practices; they also fail to recognize dogs as animals and should be treated differently from humans.

Here are some common practices that some dog owners perceive as cruel to pets:

Crate Training

Some people view confining a puppy to his crate as pure torture. However, dogs are den animals and a crate gives them a sense of security. When used sensibly, a crate make housetraining easier and provides a place where your pet can go to when overwhelmed by activities in the household.


A dog wearing a muzzle may look formidable, and often appear uncomfortable. Without proper training, letting your dog wear a muzzle is certainly cruel, and a poor substitute for lazy training. Muzzles are used as an important management tool with proper behavior modification.

Ask your Warminster veterinary clinic regarding important pet issues. You can get more information here.

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