Main » 2015 » July » 8 » Do Turtles Blink?
12:23 PM
Do Turtles Blink?

Some turtle owners have often wondered if their turtles can blink. If you’ve been watching your turtle for long periods of time waiting for him to blink then chances are you have seen him blink. If you haven’t seen him blink just give your vet Grand Junction, CO a call and ask about turtles and their blinking habits. You may not own a turtle that can blink. It is believed that some species of turtles (like the snapping turtle) cannot blink while others can. In general, most turtles blink their eyes in much the same manner as humans. Turtles; however, can also blink their eyes by moving their membranes. If you notice your turtle is excessively blinking his eyes give your vet a call to find out what you should do. Sometimes turtles will blink excessively when their water needs to be changed. For instance, ammonia build up in the water can cause excessive blinking.

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