Main » 2015 » May » 19 » Common plants that can harm your cat
10:40 AM
Common plants that can harm your cat

While many cat owners are aware of the major hazards that face their pet day after day, they are unlikely to cross their mind when choosing a new plant to decorate either the indoor or outdoor area of their homes. However, they should come up since many plants can be harmful to their little fur balls. In fact, there are many plants that are downright toxic to cats, yet are still very popular options around homes. Some of these include aloe, a variety of lilies, rhododendrons, chrysanthemums, and tulips. The reason that pet owners still purchase these plants is simple – most of them don’t know that these plants could pose a threat to their cat. When seeking out a plant to complete your home’s look, consider your pet in the decision to avoid any accidents. Your local Olathe, KS veterinarian can help you evaluate your choices.

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