Main » 2015 » July » 25 » Caring for your cat's coat
1:10 PM
Caring for your cat's coat

Your cat is an adorable member of your family, and you love showing off just how cute she can be. However, you’ve noticed that lately your cat’s coat seems to have lost its shine, and you’re keen on getting it back. How can you help her maintain a healthy coat?

Your cat enjoys her food, but she may need to try a different option if her coat isn’t looking it’s best. Since her fur is a reflection of her overall health, a dull coat may be a sign that she is missing out on key nutrients in her diet. Evaluate her food, and switch if necessary. There are many food options specifically formulated to foster a healthy coat. You can also help her fur look great by caring for it regularly. Brush your cat as needed, with a brush designed for her specific fur type. Your local Willis, TX vet clinic can help you understand your pet better.

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