Main » 2015 » July » 5 » Being Safe around a Horse
9:17 AM
Being Safe around a Horse

Horses are great to have around the farm. However, dealing with a horse is very different than dealing with other animals. Here are some tips for staying safe around a horse.

Horses have blind spots directly in front of and behind them, so it’s always best to approach one from the side. Using your hand is the easiest way to communicate with a horse. If you do have to move in front of or behind him, place an arm on his body so he can feel where you’re going.

It’s always best to wear hard-toed boots when working with a horse so his powerful hooves aren’t able to crush your toes. If you’re planning on riding, never wear loose, baggy clothing and remove all of your jewelry.

For more horse safety tips, call your veterinarian Four Oaks, NC.

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