Main » 2015 » May » 5 » Bathing and Handling Your Green Iguana
6:06 AM
Bathing and Handling Your Green Iguana

Taking care of an iguana means more than just providing it with a cage and some food to eat each day. Green iguanas also require regular bathing and handling.

Green iguanas need a bath at least 3 times a week. However, bath time will look much different for your iguana than it will for a dog. For small iguanas, place some lukewarm water in a shallow container. For very large iguanas, you’ll have to fill the bathtub with water. They do not require any soap and there’s no reason for you to scrub. Simply let them hang out in the water until they’re ready to come out.

Iguanas don’t naturally seek the attention of humans, so it is important that you handle them regularly. Try and give your iguana a little love and attention for at least 15 minutes a couple of times a day.

Your veterinary clinic Costa Mesa, CA can provide you with more information.

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