Main » 2015 » July » 11 » Backwards Sneezing
4:21 AM
Backwards Sneezing

Backwards or reverse sneezing is common in many types of dogs including small breed dogs such as Pomeranians and Chihuahuas. If you suspect that your dog is having backwards sneezing episodes, please call your vet Crown Point, IN to schedule an office visit. When your dog normally sneezes he is releasing air to remove material from the nasal cavity. A backwards or reverse sneeze; however, brings air into the body to remove irritants in the upper area behind the nostrils. This type of sneeze may cause your dog to gag or heave, which may give the impression that your dog is trying to vomit. General causes of backwards sneezing include a cleft palate, bronchial infection, mucus irritation, and nasal passage blockage. Rare causes include dental disease, tumors, and even gastrointestinal disease. Treatment includes the removal of foreign objects in the nasal passage or medication for an underlying medical condition that may be causing the sneezing.

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