Main » 2015 » May » 5 » Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs
2:39 AM
Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs

There are many toxic substances in your home that can be harmful to your dog, but none are quite as damaging as antifreeze.

Antifreeze is an engine coolant and can be found in most homes. Antifreeze contains ethylene glycol, which is extremely poisonous to dogs. Unfortunately, it also tastes sweet, so dogs are often drawn to drinking large amounts of the stuff. However, it only takes about three tablespoons before your dog will suffer immediate and long-lasting effects.

Dogs will immediately begin acting like they’re drunk after ingesting antifreeze. In the following hours, they will experience vomiting, diarrhea, and they may even experience seizures.

If you suspect that your dog has ingested antifreeze, call your pet clinic Costa Mesa CA right away. They may walk you through the steps to induce vomiting before brining your vet into the office for blood work.

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