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If your cat is like most, she probably has trouble with hairballs every now and then. Luckily, there are ways to prevent this from becoming a big problem.

Hairballs come from your pet ingesting shed fur, and it building up in her system. To prevent this, you’ll need to reduce the amount of fur that she is ingesting. This starts with offering her a proper diet and helping her to stay healthy. This will help prevent unnecessary shedding, and leave her coat to simply shed what is was made to on a regular basis. Next, you will need to help remove the fur that is shed in a controlled fashion. This can be done through brushing. You should find a brush made for your cat’s fur type, and determine how often she will need your attention. Your local veterinary clinic Rochester NY can help you care for your pet. Click here to learn more.

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Views: 473 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.09.2016 | Comments (0)

Dental disease is among the top problems experienced by dog and cats. Not only can it give rise to bad breath and loss of teeth, but a pet with an unhealthy mouth can suffer from pain. Tooth and gum problems can also become important sources of infectious organisms that can affect the heart, kidneys, liver, and other major organs of the body via the bloodstream. The good news is, dental disease is easily preventable. One way to make sure your pet’s pearly whites remain healthy and strong is to check his teeth and gums at least once a week, or more if possible. To make mouth checkups hassle-free, start introducing the routine while your pet is still very young. Gently lift your pet’s upper lip so you can closely check the teeth and gums. Be on the lookout for loose and/or broken teeth, sores or ulcers, bite abnormalities, and bleeding gums.

If you see any signs of dental problems, you should ... Read more »

Views: 502 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.09.2016 | Comments (0)

Your cat means the world to you, and she has become an important part of your family. However, you know know that even with the best care there is still a chance that the two of you could become separated someday. This makes you wonder if you should consider implanting a microchip just under the skin of her back, as so many other pet owners have done. How can you decide?

Your responsibility to your pet is to care for her as best you can, and while microchipping can be helpful, this is ultimately a personal decision. There are a lot of factors to consider when you think about microchipping, like your pet’s general health and her lifestyle within the living space you’ve provided her. Your pet’s vet can help you sort through the different options available to you. Your local Rochester, NY vet clinic can offer additional advice.


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Views: 452 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.09.2016 | Comments (0)

Your cat loves sharing your home with you, and you’re hoping that she will love spending time with a new pet as well. Since you will soon be bringing a new addition into your home, you want to help your cat transition to her new family member.

To do this, you’ll want to make sure your cat doesn’t feel left out. Be sure to play with your cat and enjoy her company as you always have. Make sure to designate an area in your home to be just for her, and keep the new pet out of this area. This way, your cat has a place to go when she needs some time alone. Also, try to make introductions a gradual process so your pets will have time to get used to one another. For additional information, please contact your local veterinarian Roch ... Read more »

Views: 521 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.09.2016 | Comments (0)

If you own a horse, of course you want to ride him! The challenge is finding a place to do it.

You can always ride around in your yard. Some people even build a special pen just for riding and practicing tricks.

If you want to get out in nature and stretch your legs, look for a nature trail in your area. Just make sure the trail allows horses. You’ll also have to bring along waste bags. Most trails will require you to pick up after your horse.

There are clubs and arenas in many areas that cater to people with horses. They provide riding areas, and some even provide trails. However, you may be required to pay a small fee in order to use the facilities.

For help finding a place to ride your horse in your area, click here, or call and speak with your veterin ... Read more »

Views: 529 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.09.2016 | Comments (0)

Cats are wonderful animals. They can provide companionship and they can even lower stress levels. If you’re a cat lover, you’re probably tempted to make friends with the neighborhood cats. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but there are a few dangers you should be aware of.

As soon as you make friends with that cat, he’s likely to keep coming back. That’s great if you’re just petting him on his head and going on your merry way. If you feed that cat, you can expect other animals to learn about the food quickly. Some of those animals may be wild and could pose a danger to you, your family, and your new kitty friend.

The cat itself could pose a problem. Without regular veterinary visits, you don’t know if the cat has worms, rabies, or another disease.

For more information, ... Read more »

Views: 470 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.09.2016 | Comments (0)

Most people know about guard dogs. They can definitely make your home safer, but did you know you can also train your pup to be an alarm dog instead?

Guard dogs are trained to guard your family and your property. When properly trained, they will attack an intruder, and they can do some real damage. Although this is very effective when it comes to thieves, it can cause some problems when it comes to inviting new friends over to your home.

If you don’t like the idea of your dog feeling distrustful of strangers, train him to be an alarm dog instead! If your dog learns to bark when someone enters the home, it may be enough to scare a burglar away.

If you need help training your dog, click here, or ask your veterinary clinic Olathe, KS for a list of trainers in your area.

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Views: 447 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.09.2016 | Comments (0)