Main » 2015 » May » 07

Dogs are omnivores, thus their diet should have meat, vegetables, and fruits. This dietary regimen is a far-cry from that of felines which are absolute carnivores and thrive with an all-meat diet.

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of essential nutrients, something that many commercial pet food products are unable to provide. They are also rich in antioxidants which are excellent health and immune boosters.

Plants also contain fiber which is indigestible; however it can promote efficient passage of food through the digestive tract and elimination of waste. Unlike cattle and sheep, canines don’t have the specific enzyme which can break down fiber in plants. Cooking, steaming, or using a blender or food processor may increase the digestibility of plants in the diet of dogs.

Know more about your dog's nutritional needs by consulting y ... Read more »

Views: 492 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.07.2015 | Comments (0)

Baby birds that have been cared for by their mother until weaning can easily adjust to various settings compared to those which have been orphaned or prematurely separated from their mother and as a result, reared entirely by humans. After they have been weaned, birds need to be exposed to human presence and interaction so they will grow up tame and friendly.

Early socialization and adequate exposure are important in helping pet birds quickly adapt to various situations. In a multi-pet household, these feathered pets should be exposed to other pets as early as possible. They should also be a part of the daily routine and activities of the household.

Being naturally curious, feathered pets thrive well in an enriched environment that feeds their physical and mental needs, and prevent them from developing behavior problems and vices.

Bring your pet ... Read more »

Views: 452 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.07.2015 | Comments (0)