Main » 2015 » May » 16

You’ve thought about getting a pet for a while now, and you have many fond memories of past dogs that have been involved in your life. However, the idea of bringing home a puppy seems to be overwhelming. Is there a way you can still enjoy the company of a canine friend without having to chase a puppy around day after day?

In short – yes! Adult dogs are also available for adoption and fit many people’s ideal picture of a pet. In bringing home an older dog, you’re bypassing the exhausting puppy stage, and able to move onto the less crazy portion of dog ownership. This allows you to still share your home with a pet without as large of an adjustment period. It also means you will likely be bringing home a pet who has been partially trained and house broken. Contact your local Myrtle Beach, SC veterinarian for help determining the best pet for your family ... Read more »

Views: 480 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.16.2015 | Comments (0)

Your pet is a wonderful part of your life, and spending time with him is important. This means that when you travel and can bring him along, you delight at the chance. However, your pet may not share your enthusiasm. How can you make the process a bit easier for him?

Consider the fact that your pet doesn’t necessarily understand where he is going or why. A lot of places that travel takes place are quite loud and crowded, and may be scary for him. Try to make your pet as comfortable as possible, and stick by his side throughout the process. Make a point to reassure him of his safety at every turn, and try to keep him on schedule in any way that you can. Your local pet clinic Myrtle Beach SC can offer additional advice on traveling with your pet.

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Views: 440 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.16.2015 | Comments (0)