Main » 2015 » May » 14

Many pet owners enjoy having their dog living inside with them, but for some potential pet owners an inside dog is not an option. If you’re looking for an outside dog, you will want to find one that can adapt to outside temperatures and conditions. Talk with a veterinarian Thorold, ON to learn what he recommends for an outside dog. There are certain breeds that make great outside dogs due to their body structure and ability to adapt to outdoor living. Outdoor breeds include the Bernese Mountain dog, Australian Shepherd, Bearded Collie, and Siberian Husky. These hearty dogs adjust well to outdoor temperatures. They tend to be protective of their area and often make great guard dogs. It’s important to remember, however, that outside dogs often need just as much human interaction as indoor dogs. Be sure to spend time with your dog by playing with him and grooming him. For more information, click h ... Read more »

Views: 522 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.14.2015 | Comments (0)

If you’re thinking about taking your dog for a swim, ask your vet Thorold, ON first. Contrary to popular belief, not all dogs can swim. Swimming is not an instinctive trait for several different dogs. Many dogs love the water, but just as many are scared of it. There are dogs that can swim, dogs that can be taught to swim, and dogs that don’t want anything to do with water. Some breeds that do swim include Golden Retrievers, Irish Setters, Standard Poodles, Labrador Retrievers, and Cocker Spaniels. A few breeds that will most likely not take to water include Pugs, Basset Hounds, Dachshunds, and the Maltese. These dogs typically lack physical attributes needed to stay afloat. As a general rule, be cautious with your dog when he is around water. It may be best to assume your dog cannot swim or at least needs assistance when in water. For more information, visit this link.

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Views: 493 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 05.14.2015 | Comments (0)