Main » 2013 » December » 28
First, you will need to locate a suitable male goat to mate with your goat. You will also have to consider how you will transport your goat to this male goat as no novice goat owner should look after an uncastrated male goat.

Secondly, it’s important to understand that a pregnant goat will have special needs such as a variation in its diet and specific vaccinations. Third, are you ready and do you have the means and resources to look after the kids? Sometimes complications can arise with the birthing process. In this case you will need to employ the assistance of an expert goat owner or veterinary surgeon. Visit a Liberty veterinarian  for more info.

Fourth, if you have male kids, you will have to invest in castrating and/or disbudding them if they are a horned breed. Disbudding needs to be performed before the goat is 11 days old.

Views: 481 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.28.2013 | Comments (0)