Main » 2018 » August » 9 » Your sugar glider and exercise
8:40 AM
Your sugar glider and exercise

Sharing your home with a sugar glider means that you will need to take the time to meet the needs of a pet like this within your living space. How can you do this when it comes to exercise?

Your pet needs to be able to move about when she wants to get in some physical activity. This means that she will need to be able to do so within her cage on her own as well as outside of it while interacting with you. Offer her some toys to get her moving in her enclosure, and make sure the enclosure lends itself to helping your pet stay physically fit. It’s a bit easier to get your pet moving outside of this space, as the wide-open area gives her a lot of options and you will simply need to help her stay safe. For more information, please contact your local Walnut, CA veterinarian.

Views: 467 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: CA vet, Diamond Bar | Rating: 0.0/0
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