Main » 2015 » June » 18 » Your Cat and Company
11:18 AM
Your Cat and Company

Some cats are very friendly, and having company over isn’t a problem at all. Unfortunately, not all cats are happy to meet new people. Here are some tips on helping your cat deal with company.

Never force your cat to interact with your guests. This will only make him lash out and he won’t be likely to approach your friend every again. Instead, give your cat a safe place to retreat to when guests come over. That way, he can approach your company on his own terms, when he feels like it.

Cat pheromone products may also be helpful. They can help calm anxious behaviors and they come in a variety of products that include collars, diffusers, and room sprays.

If you want your cat to get to know your guest, make sure you start small by having your guest spend time with your cat in the same room. For more tips, visit with your vet clinic Vigo County IN.

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