Main » 2018 » January » 4 » Why Pet Owners Should Prepare For Flea And Tick Season
6:44 AM
Why Pet Owners Should Prepare For Flea And Tick Season

Ticks and fleas are very common parasites in dogs and cats. Taking steps to prevent flea or tick infestation is the most important way to protect your pet against these parasites that are just more than blood-sucking parasites; fleas and ticks and responsible for causing and transmitting medical conditions in pets. Heavy flea infestation in very young kittens and puppies can lead to severe anemia and even death.

For some pets, flea bites can only cause minor skin irritation. A pet that is hypersensitive to flea bites, can suffer from flea allergy dermatitis, even from only a flea bite or two. The animal can suffer from intense skin itching and irritation, causing them to scratch persistently, eventually leading to significant loss of hair and skin wounds that can become infected. There may also be formation of scabs and raw areas of irritation all over the body. The primary way to address flea allergy dermatitis is to remove the fleas that are on the animal and prevent flea bites in the future. Always remember that tick and flea products that are used in dogs should not be used in cats except if it’s recommended by your vets Ashburn, VA.

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