Main » 2015 » June » 4 » Why do Cows Moo?
12:49 PM
Why do Cows Moo?

Cows moo as a way to communicate with other cows, other herds, and even you their owner. Generally, when cows are together in a herd and are happy they will not be mooing as often. Instead you will mostly hear the sounds of them happily grazing. If a cow is the only one on your property, he may moo simply because he is lonely. If your cow is constantly mooing with little to no breaks in between, call your vet Greenville, SC to ask for advice. Your cow may be trying to tell you that he doesn’t feel well. If it’s a bull, he may also be calling to other cows nearby looking for a mate. Your vet will most likely do a quick exam to determine why your cow might be excessively mooing. If your cow is just lonely, you may want to bring in another cow. To learn more, click here or call your veterinary Greenville, SC.

Views: 1271 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Cows, Why do Cows Moo | Rating: 0.0/0
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