Main » 2015 » June » 24 » Why consistency is important for your dog
7:58 AM
Why consistency is important for your dog

If you are a dog owner, you’ve likely heard quite a bit about creating a routine for your pet. But why exactly do people recommend this?

Your pet is a big part of your life, but he isn’t your whole life. However, to your pet, you are everything. He follows your lead day after day. This means that he has very little control over his daily life, and this can be a bit disconcerting. Having a routine allows him to be able to anticipate what will be coming up throughout the day. This lets your pet get excited about his favorite portions of the day, and helps him to learn to trust you. Your consistency will let him see you following through with things again and again so he can depend on certain things throughout the day. Your vets Sayville NY can help you understand your pet.

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