Main » 2018 » January » 24 » What Could Be Causing Your Dog To Vomit?
4:28 PM
What Could Be Causing Your Dog To Vomit?

Vomiting in dogs can be triggered by a variety of causes, from something as simple as eating something gross to an obstruction in the gastrointestinal tract to a life-threatening twist in the stomach or intestines. The scavenging habits of dogs and their curious nature increase their risks of ingesting non-food items including poisons, grapes, chocolate, human medications, and even illicit drugs. Vomiting may also be an important symptom of an underlying health issue such as pancreatitis, gastroenteritis, liver and kidney problems, parasites, and a whole lot of other important conditions that warrant prompt medical attention. Basically, anything that upsets the body’s equilibrium (homeostasis) may trigger the vomit centers in the brain and cause dogs to suffer from vomiting episodes. If your dog has been vomiting frequently, you should bring him to a veterinarian care Plano, TX for a thorough examination and proper diagnosis so the problem can be addressed appropriately before complications can set in.

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