Main » 2014 » April » 16 » Taking Care of Orphaned or Abandoned Kittens
9:36 PM
Taking Care of Orphaned or Abandoned Kittens

Orphaned and abandoned kittens are totally helpless especially during the first few weeks of their lives thus they need all the help they can get from you to survive.

If you are caught in this dilemma, it is best to contact your veterinarian and ask for advice on how to take care of the kitten.

When raising kittens, make sure to keep them warm and making sure that they are given proper nutrition. You can use a cardboard box as a homemade incubator or nest to keep your kitten warm.

It is also recommended to keep track of your kitten’s development by weighing them every day during the first week and every 2-3 days during the next few weeks. Make sure to write everything down so you can have a record to help you and your vet track the kitten’s progress.

Have your kitten checked regularly by a veterinarian Brighton.

Views: 486 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Brighton | Rating: 0.0/0
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