Main » 2014 » April » 16 » Puppy Care After Weaning
8:52 PM
Puppy Care After Weaning

As a puppy turns two months of age, he learns to be more perceptive of his immediate environment. It is recommended that puppies be weaned between eight to ten weeks old.

Weaning is such a stressful time for very young puppies. While still very young, they should undergo socialization to prepare them dealing with new changes in their surroundings. A puppy that is well-socialized can easily deal with new people, animals, and situations.

If you have a new puppy, it is recommended to bring him to a vet for a complete checkup. This is also a good time to ask your vet for valuable advice regarding your pet’s vaccination schedules and wellness checkups.

A new puppy will also mean housetraining the newest addition to the pack. It is your responsibility to train and lead your puppy to behave in an appropriate manner. It is also important for your puppy to know that you are the dominant member of the pack, and as such should be looked up to for leadership.

Keep your puppy health and active by bringing him regularly to a veterinarian Sugar Land. Find out more here.



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