Main » 2015 » June » 6 » Pet Safety - Teaching Your Kids How To Handle Pets
7:18 AM
Pet Safety - Teaching Your Kids How To Handle Pets

Many kids, especially the very young ones, often think of pets as toys and not living animals. Failing to teach your children how to handle a cat or dog properly can result in the suffering of your poor pet, and in some instances, injury to the child.

Teaching kids how to handle pets properly can help both children and pets from getting hurt. When introducing a pet to a household with young kids, never leave the new pet with them even for just a few minutes. Adult supervision is very important until the child is able to handle and interact with the new pet in a responsible and gentle manner. Supervision is also very important to make sure the pet is safe for the kids.

Children must be taught to be gentle in handling pets; they should know that pushing, prodding, poking, or teasing a pet may result in aggressive behavior.

Bring your pet to your Indianapolis, IN animal hospital for a regular wellness check. Check out this website to know more about your pet's needs and set an appointment.

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