Main » 2018 » January » 25 » Keeping Your Cat's Claws Off Your Things
2:40 PM
Keeping Your Cat's Claws Off Your Things

Scratching is a natural feline behavior. It keeps their claws well-trimmed and removes old nails to make way for new ones to grow in. They have scent glands in their paws that give off a distinct scent. Thus scratching is also a way of claiming territory or objects by leaving their distinct scent on surfaces they have scratched on. There are instances when a cat seems to find everything in his surroundings a good place to run his claws. And this can be certainly be frustrating for their owners, causing some of them to have their cat’s declawed. But the procedure is extremely painful and inhumane. The cat can suffer from pain for weeks and even months. Fortunately, there are ways to address your cat’s scratching in a more humane and positive way. It can be as simple as putting up scratching posts and/or pads so your kitty will have legal surfaces to scratch on. You can also use nail caps to cover your cat’s claws or make the ‘illegal’ scratching surfaces unwelcoming to your kitty by spraying a no-scratch product or covering the surface with adhesive tape.

Don’t hesitate to talk to your veterinarian Cleveland, TN if you are dealing with certain issues about your pet’s behavior.

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