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5:16 AM
It's a Family Project

You may be familiar with the old adage that “it takes a village to raise a child” and the same can be said when raising a pet. The new puppy or new kitten may belong to an individual in the family, but the entire family will be part of the growth and training process. Talk with your vet Jupiter Island, FL about ways to get your family involved in raising the new pet together. Your vet has most likely helped several families before you and can help give advice and suggestions on ways for everyone to participate in a successful way. For example, when potty training, it’s important that everyone in the family helps out. This doesn’t mean everyone has to walk the dog, but just be mindful that if they’re the first one home you should probably let the puppy out to potty. When the family comes together in the training process things can run a lot smoother. To know more, visit this link.

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