Main » 2015 » June » 25 » Is your bird sick?
8:19 AM
Is your bird sick?

Your love your bird, and want to make sure she is as healthy as can be. However, even with the best of care your pet may still fall ill. If the right circumstances present themselves, sickness can impact the life of nearly any living thing. How can you tell if she isn’t feeling well?

Your bird can’t tell you directly that she is sick, so you will need to keep an eye out for clues as to how she is feeling. Changes in her appearance and behavior are a good way to do this. Your pet may experience changes in eating or elimination, and may not respond to you as she normally does. Keep an eye out for any swelling or balance issues. She may also be more lethargic, and spend lots of time on the bottom of her cage instead of on the perches she usually frequents. For additional information, please contact your local Niwot, CO veterinarian.

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