Main » 2018 » January » 8 » How Fleas Affect Your Dog
4:50 PM
How Fleas Affect Your Dog

Aside from being bloodsucking parasites, there are other important reasons why you should wage war against fleas.

Flea allergy dermatitis

Some dogs are extremely sensitive to a substance that is present in the saliva of fleas. For these dogs, a flea bite can trigger intense itching and irritation. Without prompt veterinary attention, persistent scratching can eventually cause raw spots that can become important medium for secondary bacterial infection.


Fleas are important in the transmission of tapeworms. Dogs can acquire tapeworms when they ingest a flea that is carrying the larvae of tapeworms during grooming. The larvae continue to develop inside the dog’s digestive tract until they mature and attach to the intestinal wall to feed.


Significant loss of blood can occur during a heavy flea infestation. This can cause severe anemia especially in puppies.

These are indeed important reasons why you should work with your veterinarian services Troutville, VA in creating a good flea prevention program that will give year-round protection for your pet.

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