Main » 2018 » August » 6 » How Does Red Tide Effect Cats?
6:59 PM
How Does Red Tide Effect Cats?

Did you know that red tide is a dangerous ocean/shoreline condition that can affect animals of all types and species? If you live near the ocean or you take your cat to the ocean for a beach day, check the beach conditions ahead of time for red tide warnings. If you are visiting the beach, avoid it when red tide is present. The algal blooms that are usually present in low quantities are at extreme levels causing toxic harm to marine life and other animals. Your cat should avoid being around the water and getting wet. If your cat gets wet by water affected by red tide wash her off immediately. She should not lick or groom herself after swimming in red tide waters. Red tide can also affect people and cats by causing respiratory problems. If you live near the ocean, keep your cat indoors during red tide outbreaks. Talk with your veterinarians Norwalk, CA to learn more.

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