Main » 2015 » June » 1 » Helping your cat lose some weight
4:26 AM
Helping your cat lose some weight

You know your cat well, and lately you’ve noticed that she has gained a bit of weight. A visit to your vet confirms that she is in fact overweight, and now you’d like to help her get back into shape. What can you do?

Address your pet’s current lifestyle. Is she being fed an appropriate amount of food per day? Be sure to include any treats she is given into your figures. If this seems a bit high, try adjusting her food portions. If physical activity is the issue, make a point to play with your pet more often. Schedule some time into your day to get her moving and having some fun. You can also offer her toys that will encourage movement so she can exercise when you aren’t available to play. Your local Lakeville, MN veterinarian can offer additional advice on helping your pet lose weight.

Views: 475 | Added by: Jessicap | Rating: 0.0/0
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