Main » 2014 » April » 14 » Foods Your Pet Goat Should Avoid
10:03 PM
Foods Your Pet Goat Should Avoid

While pet goats will readily and enjoyably feed on wild plants and hedgerow cuttings, not all of these are safe for them to consume. Otherwise you may find yourself running to the vet in the middle of the day or worse, holding a dead goat in your hands.

Keep your pet goat away from hemlock, old man’s beard, buttercup, nightshades, bryony, celandine, dog’s mercury, foxglove, mayweed, and ragwort.

If you see leaves or plants lying around and are unsure of the source or of what exactly it is, do not feed it to your pet goat. If you have a dairy goat, understand that some plants will change the taste of their milk. Some of these include brassica plants such as cabbage, Brussel sprouts and cauliflower.

If your goat is growing or milking or unable to forage much, you can feed it concentrates.

Visit a veterinarian Northeast Kingdom for more.

Views: 476 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: veterinarian Northeast Kingdom | Rating: 0.0/0
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