Main » 2015 » June » 8 » Drawback to Feeding Homemade Pet Food
6:30 AM
Drawback to Feeding Homemade Pet Food

Choosing to put your pet on a homemade diet is definitely a commendable undertaking. Preparing and feeding entails time, effort, and commitment.

But here’s an important hitch to the practice, if you choose to go the homemade route, you must try to learn as much as you can about dog nutrition so you will be able to formulate a balanced ration that will meet your pet’s needs adequately. It is a fact that the health of many pets has been compromised as a result of being given an unbalanced homemade ration.

Even if the pet owner has the best intentions, switching your pet to an unbalanced homemade diet may do a great deal of damage to your pet’s health—which is exactly what you are attempting to avoid in the first place.

Before making any major decision about your pet’s diet, consult with your Indianapolis, IN veterinarian. Check out more pet care info on this link.

Views: 518 | Added by: Jessicap | Rating: 0.0/0
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