Main » 2015 » June » 4 » Does Your Pet Bird Have Mites?
6:57 AM
Does Your Pet Bird Have Mites?

Although fleas are uncommon among birds, mites can cause a real problem for your feathered friend. How can you tell if your bird has mites?

Birds with mites are extremely restless. Mites cause itching and they can even bite your bird, which can make sleeping and resting nearly impossible.

Mites irritate the skin, which means your bird’s skin is likely to be red or inflamed. Even a slightly pinker hue can mean that your bird has mites.

Excessive preening is also a sign of mites. Just like a dog scratches and bites to ease the itch of fleas, parrots preen to try and remove the mites.

If the infestation is allowed to continue, you may eventually be able to see the mites themselves. In addition, feathers can be physically damaged, making your bird look bedraggled. Contact your veterinary clinic Perkasie, PA for more information.

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