Main » 2018 » August » 9 » Does your dog need something to chew on?
8:17 AM
Does your dog need something to chew on?

Your dog tends to chew on just about anything he finds around your home. Should you bring home something for him to sink his teeth into?

Many dogs will chew on whatever they can get their mouth around. This can range from shoes to furniture depending on what your pet has access to. In fact, this is particularly common in young dogs as they may be experiencing teething discomfort. Chewing also helps them pass the time in a fun way in addition to learning more about an object and the world around them. Bringing home items that are made for your pet to sink his teeth into can be a helpful way to both give your pet a safe way to chew when he wants to and minimize the amount of damage to your belongings. For more information, please contact your local Lakeville, MN veterinarian.

Views: 354 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: local Lakeville, MN vet clinic | Rating: 0.0/0
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