Main » 2018 » January » 9 » Doberman Pinschers and Causes of Canine Diabetes
8:20 PM
Doberman Pinschers and Causes of Canine Diabetes

If you’re familiar with diabetes in humans then you already have a foundational understanding of diabetes in animals. For instance, just like people, canine diabetes can occur in dogs like the Doberman Pinscher when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or the body no longer recognizes what to do with the insulin it has. When there’s not enough it breaks down fat and protein reserves as alternatives causing weight loss, excessive thirst and frequent urination. There are different causes for canine diabetes. Vets believe that the main ones may be linked to obesity, gender, and age otherwise known as genetic predisposition. Other causes include hormone therapies such as those given to female Dobermans to control heat cycles. Pancreatitis and immune system disorders and viral diseases could also serve as causes. Schedule a checkup if you think your Doberman may have diabetes. For more information, schedule an appointment with your vet Moorpark, CA.

Views: 417 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: animal hospital moorpark ca | Rating: 5.0/1
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