Main » 2018 » August » 7 » Depression In Dogs
4:17 PM
Depression In Dogs

Dogs can suffer from depression, too. So how will you know if your dog is depressed? Here are some important tell-tale signs that you should keep an eye out for:

  • Does your once-friendly and rambunctious dog suddenly become quite and remote? Depressed dogs tend to like spending more time in a spot away from the other members (humans and pets alike) of the pack.
  • A dog may not be as energetic as he once was and lose interest in things and activities that he normally looks forward to such as playtime, leash walks, etc. He may also wander off aimlessly.
  • There may be a significant change in his appetite that lead to unexplained loss or gain in weight within a short length of time.

Any change in your pet’s health and/behavior should be brought to the attention of your best veterinarian Glendale, AZ.

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