Main » 2018 » January » 15 » Dental Hygiene and Your Dog
11:02 AM
Dental Hygiene and Your Dog

Good dental hygiene is essential since decay can cause pain and trouble eating while introducing dangerous bacteria into your dog’s bloodstream. Clean your dog’s teeth at least twice per week. Start when your dog is young so it becomes routine. Start with cotton balls or gauze and work up to a doggy toothbrush or finger brush. Only use dog-safe toothpaste since human toothpaste can be toxic to dogs. Don’t forget to stimulate the gums. Check for signs of decay such as red or swollen gums, loose teeth or a bad odor. These conditions need prompt medical attention. Consider using tarter control foods and water supplements. And give your dog dental treats and fun toys that require him to chew. Keep in mind that even with the most diligent of dental care, your dog will need professional dental cleanings under sedation periodically. Learn more from your Tampa, FL veterinary clinic.

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