Main » 2018 » January » 8 » Changes That Take Place In Senior Cats
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Changes That Take Place In Senior Cats

Certain physiological and behavioural changes take place as cats enter their senior years. Age-related changes will occur in your cat’s major organs and body systems with your being aware of them. The years of wear and tear can render their immune system weak thus they can be more susceptible to disease and infection. Confining your senior cat indoors can significantly lessen his risk of acquiring certain health issues and parasites. Senior cats will also benefit from frequent health checks. Your Rochester, NY vet may recommend twice a year or more depending on the cat’s health status. Senior cats need to be monitored for diabetes or kidney failure. Early detection and treatment are very important to improve prognosis. With the advancements in veterinary medicine, most health problems in senior pets don’t carry the same bleak outlook as it once did. Most of these health issues can be managed, increasing a senior cat’s chances of quality of life and longevity. Learn more here.

Views: 411 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Rochester NY, veterinarian Rochester NY | Rating: 5.0/1
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