Main » 2015 » June » 6 » Best Bedding for Rabbits
2:18 AM
Best Bedding for Rabbits

With so many bedding choices, it can be difficult to know which is best for your rabbit. Here are some of the best bedding choices.

Aspen shavings are a great choice when it comes to pet bedding. This product has a low dust content and doesn’t include any additional additives or toxins. Although cedar and pine shavings are readily available, they aren’t the best choice. They can cause respiratory infections and can be treated with chemicals that can be harmful for your furry friend.

If the cost of aspen shavings is a bit off-putting, consider using recycled paper instead. In addition to being ready available, it is also extremely affordable. However, if you choose to use recycled paper, you’ll have to be prepared to clean the cage more often.

For more information on rabbit bedding, click here, or visit with your veterinarian Cherry Hill, NJ.

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