Main » 2014 » April » 28 » Air Travel with Your Pet
2:59 PM
Air Travel with Your Pet

Pets really don’t like being taken in an airplane.

Every single instinct in their bodies tell them that they’re not on the ground anymore, and they become extremely stressed out. A pet’s heart rate will go up due to high anxiety.

Believe it or not, it is not a good idea to have your pet tranquillized prior to transport, as a number of pets have actually died in transport from over-sedation, which caused them to enter a coma.

Certain diseases also can trigger in pets from them being stressed out at high altitudes. If you have a dog, and it had a respiratory illness that had not shown itself yet, the air travel would stress your dog out to the point where its immune system couldn’t fight the illness.

At the vet Long Beach, you can visit their website here and learn more regarding what you should do to ensure safe travels for you and your pet.

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