Main » 2018 » August » 12

Your dog is an excellent companion and you look forward to taking him out for a walk each and every day. How can you make sure your pet is getting the most out of this time as he possibly can?

It’s important that you have some fun out and about with your pet but also that you take his walks seriously. To you it may simply be a nice break from your other responsibilities, but to your pet this could be the highlight of the day. This means that you should make sure you are out for an appropriate length of time to give him some mental and physical stimulation in addition to bonding with him. Seek out routes that won’t be too demanding for him to complete and take any necessary safety precautions to ensure he can enjoy himself. Your local Marietta, GA veterinarian can help you care for your pet. Visit website ... Read more »

Views: 591 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 08.12.2018 | Comments (0)

You know that your pet needs to be trained a bit so he can live harmoniously within your household. How can you choose a training method for him?

You will need to look at your pet objectively to really evaluate his training needs. Take the time to think about your preferences and capabilities as well, since you will need to be the one implementing the training method. Once you settle on a method, you will need to be consistent with it and utilize it for a good, long while. This means that evaluating the options ahead of time can be a great way to help make this as easy as it can be. Seek out a method that will motivate your pet to learn new things and help him get excited about the time you spend together practicing. Your Marietta, GA vet clinic can offer additional advice.

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Views: 536 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 08.12.2018 | Comments (0)

Your dog needs to be able to eat a healthy diet and the only way for this to happen is for you to offer her a food that meets her nutritional needs. However, your pet will still beg for some of your food even if he has just eaten. Why does he do this?

Your pet is instinctually on the look-out for food at all times. This means that he will likely munch on something offered to him even if he isn’t hungry. Your food is particularly appealing because he trusts your judgement and knows that you share a lot of your life with him. It is also likely something that looks and smells a lot different than his own food. He feels that letting you know he wants a bite will result of him getting a taste of your meal. Your local veterinari ... Read more »

Views: 547 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 08.12.2018 | Comments (0)

Your dog is an excellent companion and you want to make sure you are able to look after her. You’ve been considering bringing a new furry friend into your home. How can you tell if your dog is ready for this new adventure?

Your dog is likely used to being the center of attention in your household, so you will need to think about how she will feel about sharing the spotlight. She will likely still be able to have some time to herself, but there will be a lot of times when she will be interacting with your new addition. Will this mean she has a new playmate or will she treat her as an adversary? If the former is the case, she may be ready to handle this. If the latter is true, it could take some time for your dog to get used to this idea. For more information, click here to contact your lo ... Read more »

Views: 545 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 08.12.2018 | Comments (0)