Main » 2018 » August » 11

Your family loves sharing their home with a furry companion and you can’t help but smile when you come across your new addition. How can you help get everyone on board with helping to care for her?

It makes sense to split up the pet care duties in most households. To do this, you will need to get everyone together to discuss what needs to be done. This is important as it helps make sure nothing will fall through the cracks. Talk about what needs to be done, what each person’s schedule looks like, and what everyone’s capabilities are. Think about people’s preferences as well, since you want them to enjoy time with their pet as much as possible. Have everyone take on some tasks, and then you can evaluate how this is going at a later date so changes can be made as needed. For additional information, please contact your local Leesburg, VA veterinarian ... Read more »

Views: 533 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 08.11.2018 | Comments (0)