Your love your bird, and you want to make sure that she is as healthy as she can be. However, even with the best of care, it is still possible for your bird to get sick. This makes it important that you recognize symptoms of sickness so you will be able to notice them if your pet falls ill.
Birds display some of the classic symptoms of sickness, like changes in eating, elimination, and activity level. Your bird may be a bit more lethargic than usual, and less responsive to stimuli that would normally excite her. She may also stick to the bottom of her cage instead of moving about as freely as she normally does. Additional symptoms include trouble breathing, sneezing, loss of balance, walking in circles, and making clicking sounds. For additional information, please contact your local McHenry, IL veterinarian.
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You’ve noticed that your ferret could use a few new toys, so you want to pick some up. What should you get her?
Ferrets are very intelligent animals, so your choices aren’t very limited when it comes to playtime. Safety should be your primary concern when it comes to toys, but once an appropriate toy has been deemed safe you can feel free to try it out with your pet. Since your ferret has strong natural instincts, she is likely to enjoy toys that utilize them to their fullest. Both hunting and burrowing toys are fun to utilize, and combining the two can make playtime extra special. Try offering your pet tubing to climb through while chasing something. This can make the hunt a bit more challenging. It can also offer your pet some additional physical activity. Your local McHenry, IL veterinarian can help you raise a happy and healthy pet.
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Hamsters rarely get fleas, but if they do, only a few fleas can make living very difficult for your small furry friend.
Hamsters are most likely to catch fleas from other household pets. The first thing you need to do is make sure that all of your cats and dogs are treated for fleas in order to reduce the likelihood of your hamster catching fleas.
If your hamster does get fleas, see if you can find a hamster-friendly flea shampoo or spray at your pet store. If not, schedule an appointment with your vet Livonia, MI. Do not use a cat or a dog product as the chemicals can be hazardous to your hamster’s health.
Once he’s been treated, make sure you clean out his cage thoroughly. You will also have to clean your home from top to bottom. You may even have to consider hiring an exterminator so
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Ringworm is a nasty fungus that can cause itchy lesions on your dog’s skin. It is contagious and can be transmitted to humans, so it’s a good idea to prevent your pup from getting ringworm in the first place.
Typically, dogs get ringworm from other animals, although spore-infested soil can also give your dog ringworm. Because it can lay dormant in the soil, terrier breeds that love to dig are sometimes at a higher risk of contracting ringworm.
Unfortunately, there is no vaccination or medication that you can purchase to prevent ringworms from infecting your dog. However, you can talk to places that your dog regularly visits to make sure there hasn’t been a ringworm outbreak. If you have a terrier breed, prevent him from digging in your yard. Consider building him a sandbox instead.
If your dog does get ringworm, schedule an app
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Looking to adopt a hamster? You’re probably wondering which cage is the best.
In general, wire cages make the best habitat for hamsters. The open bars allow for adequate ventilation and the metal cage is impossible to chew and ingest. Many metal-based cages can also be connected with tubes, which can provide a more stimulating environment for your furry friend.
Some pet parents prefer using an aquarium. Although it is very difficult for a hamster to escape for an aquarium, it doesn’t provide the same ventilation or tubing options that a metal cage does. However, it is much easier to clean because it can be wiped out with a damp washrag quickly.
Plastic cages are very appealing to many pet owners. Not only do they offer tubing, but they are very colorful and they are affordable. However, hamsters can easily chew these cages. For
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Ever wonder what cat whiskers are for? Here are some interesting facts about whiskers you may not know.
Cat whiskers are very sensitive, since they extend further into the skin than fur does. Cat whiskers are so sensitive that your cat can detect a minute change in wind direction.
In general, your cat’s whiskers are about as wide as his body. This allows him to size up small openings to see whether or not he’s likely to fit. Never trim your cat’s whiskers as it can mess with his ability to judge size, which may result in his head getting stuck.
Your cat may shed a whisker or two, just like he sheds fur. It is nothing to worry about. Another whisker will grow back in its place. Whiskers can also change color as your cat ages, although it’s usually only noticeable in black cats.
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