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If you have been looking into bringing a sugar glider home, you’ve probably been considering all the items you will need in order to care for your pet. Arguably the most important pet supply purchase you will make for a sugar glider will be her cage, so you want to make sure you get the ideal option. Take the time to find a cage with ample space for your pet, taking into account if you would like to bring home another sugar glider in the future. Be mindful of bar spacing as well as other items you would like to incorporate into your pet’s living space. The area of your home you plan on placing it in may also impact your choices, so try to establish this before purchasing a cage for your new arrival. Contact your local Madison, WI veterinarian for additional advice.

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Views: 689 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.26.2015 | Comments (0)

You love cats, and have really enjoyed the company of past pets. However, you feel a bit overwhelmed when you think about the rambunctious kitten stage. This makes you wonder – what’s it like adopting an older cat?

Bringing a new pet into your home is an exciting experience, and it will be no less so if you bring home an adult cat instead of a kitten. In fact, the age difference may make the process that much better since you won’t have as much to worry about. An older cat won’t get into quite as much trouble as a younger cat, and is more likely to spend time relaxing than running around your home. She is also more experienced, so she is less apt to get herself into sticky situations. This means she will require less supervision, and be overall less likely to come into harms way. Your Sun Prairie, WI veterinarian can help you understand your pet better.

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Views: 568 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.26.2015 | Comments (0)

When was the last time you cleaned your rabbit’s food and water bowls? Although it is often overlooked, keeping those dishes clean is important to your furry friend’s health.

Start by choosing the right food and water bowls. Choose bowls that are made of stainless steel or ceramic. Plastic water bowls can easily get scratched, and the scratches can then harbor bacteria. In order to keep the water bowl clean and uncontaminated, you may want to consider placing a water bottle in the cage instead.

Make sure you clean bowls with soap and water at least once every couple of days. Even a bowl that looks clean can be slimy. To make cleaning easier, have two sets of bowls. That way, you can place once set in the dishwasher and replace them with the other set.

For more tips on how to keep your rabbit&rsquo ... Read more »

Views: 549 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.26.2015 | Comments (0)

It can be very cute to hear a dog sawing logs as they take a nap on the couch. However, not all dogs snore. What is it that causes a dog to snore?

Some breeds are prone to snoring more than others. Dogs with short, smooshed faces are more likely to have trouble breathing, which ultimately results in snoring. The Pekinese, Pugs, and Boston Terriers have all been known to snore the night away.

Weight can greatly affect your dog’s ability to breathe while he’s sleeping. Tobacco smoke is an irritant for most dogs which causes snoring as well. Even a cold can restrict your pup’s airways.

In some cases, there is nothing you can do about your dog’s snoring. However, if your pup’s behavior has a medical cause, your veterinarian Sun Prairie, WI may be able to provide you with treatment options. ... Read more »

Views: 548 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.26.2015 | Comments (0)