Main » 2015 » June » 21

Your snake is a wonderful companion to share your home with, primarily because you can be a pet owner without being overwhelmed with care requirements. However, because your pet doesn’t need you for as much interaction as many other pets do, you wonder if you are giving him enough attention. Should you be handling your snake more?

Your snake is a solitary animal, and doesn’t long for attention like other pets may. He enjoys his solitude, but should still be handled regularly. Your pet needs to get used to being held because there are many instances when it will be necessary, like when you need to transfer him out of his enclosure to clean it, or when you head to the vet for a check up. Plus, this will help you to bond with your snake. Your local Minnetonka, MN vet clinic can help you care for your pet.

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Views: 527 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.21.2015 | Comments (0)

Some cats are just so shy that they love hiding under the bed or furniture, away from the spotlight. A shy and timid kitty usually emerges from his hiding place to eat, drink, and visit the litter tray when there is no one around. When he sees anybody approaching, he will scurry back to his hiding place immediately, and your efforts to get him out often results in hisses and other displays of aggressive behavior.  

When a cat chooses to hide instead of interacting with people, it is usually triggered by a fear of something. Forcing him out of his hiding place and exposing him to perceived threats can make him more vulnerable, thereby feeding his fear.

If you don’t know what is causing your pet’s behaviour, you should try to observe his environment more closely. Giving him enough time to deal with whatever’s upsetting him is the best way to handle the problem. ... Read more »

Views: 495 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.21.2015 | Comments (0)

Cats are well-known for their fastidious grooming habits, however they will still benefit from frequent brushing to decrease chances of ingesting hair and forming hairballs in their stomach. While most hairballs are eliminated with the feces, some can get stuck and cause obstruction of the digestive tract, and may require expensive surgery.

Short-haired cats can do well with a weekly brushing while long-haired cats need a thorough brushing every other day to prevent matting. Daily brushing of the hair coat will be needed during spring when cats shed off their thick winter coat.

A good de-shedding tool can help make the job easier. However, you should learn how to use the tool properly. There are also different brushes or combs you can use to make your job hassle-free.

Matted hair should be removed as soon as you notice them. Long-haired cats are ... Read more »

Views: 537 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 06.21.2015 | Comments (0)